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Supported Versions Exchange 2016
Exchange 2013
Exchange 2010
Exchange 2007
WMI, PowerShell Exchange Management Shell scripts, File Parsing
Data Collected Exchange Data CollectionsDownload PDF
  • The account assigned to the Statistics Server service must have the following properties:
    • Be a member of the Local Administrators group on the Exchange Servers from which statistics will be collected.
    • Be a domain account in the same domain as the Exchange server.
    • In order to collect Mailbox and Folder statistics the account must have “Read” access in Exchange.
  • The Exchange Management Shell (EMS) must be installed on the Longitude Agent used for Exchange collections. This tool can be installed by using the Exchange Installation CD and selecting only the Management Tools portion. The Longitude Statistics server will need to be running on a 64 bit OS to install the Exchange Management Tools.
  • The Exchange application will monitor a version specific default list of Exchange services. Any services on this list for the version of Exchange that you’re monitoring that have been installed but are not running will generate an alert. Additional services may be monitored using Service Transactions. The monitored services are:
    HostControllerService (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    IISAdmin (Exchange 2007)
    MSExchangeAB (Exchange 2010)
    MSExchangeADTopology (all versions)
    MSExchangeAntispamUpdate (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010)
    MSExchangeDagMgmt (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeDelivery (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeDiagnostics (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeEdgeSync (all versions)
    MSExchangeFastSearch (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeFBA (Exchange 2010)
    MSExchangeFDS (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
    MSExchangeFrontEndTransport (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeHM (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeIS (all versions)
    MSExchangeMailboxAssistants (all versions)
    MSExchangeMailboxReplication (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010)
    MSExchangeMailSubmission (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
    MSExchangeMigrationWorkFlow (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeProtectedHostService (Exchange 2010)
    MSExchangeRepl (all versions)
    MSExchangeRPC (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010)
    MSExchangeSA (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
    MSExchangeSearch (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
    MSExchangeServiceHost (all versions)
    MSExchangeThrottling (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeTransport (all versions)
    MSExchangeTransportLogSearch (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeUM (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    MSExchangeUMCR (Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013)
    W3SVC (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
  • The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service must be running on the Exchange Server.
  • The optional TrackingLog collections require that Exchange Message Tracking be enabled. Please refer to Microsoft’s instructions for configuring message tracking.
  • A separate, dedicated Statistics Server is recommended to collect from an Exchange computer when the Exchange
    implementation is large (e.g. many hundreds of mailboxes or folders). Some of the nightly Exchange collections can
    take a long time for a large implementation, so dedicating a separate Statistics Server to those collections will
    allow them to be processed without holding up other non-Exchange collections.
  1. Use Monitor Devices.
  2. If necessary, select a Longitude Remote Agent.
  3. Select Exchange2013, Exchange2010, or Exchange2007. If you are monitoring Exchange 2016, use the Exchange2013 application.
  4. Enter the name of the Exchange Server to be monitored in the Computers field.
  5. Enter the Roles to be monitored. The default is a * wildcard value for both roles, or you can select
    individual roles as needed from the following:

    • ClientAccess (or CA) (all versions)
    • Mailbox (or MB) (all versions)
    • Edge Transport (or ET) (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
    • HubTransport (or HT) (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)
    • Unified Messaging (or UM) (Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007)

    If you are not certain which roles to monitor, use the default * wildcard value.

  6. The Servers value is the name used for scripted PowerShell collections. This is normally the same as the server name.
  7. Enter the Log Directory Path – this is the UNC path to the shared Tracking Log directory on the Exchange server. The default value for this is \\Exchange Server Name\MessageTracking. If message tracking is not enabled, this value may be left blank and can be configured later.
  8. Click Monitor
  • Collections fail with a No valid Counters error:
    The performance counters collected by this application have been corrupted or are not present. Rebooting the target computer may resolve the problem, or the counters may need to be manually reloaded. See the Microsoft website for more details about missing performance counters.
  • Collections fail to register with an Invalid Class error:
    The performance counters collected by this application are present on the system, but WMI cannot access them. To resolve the issue:

    1. Log on to the target computer with a local administrator account.
    2. Open a command prompt and run the command: winmgmt /resyncperf.
    3. Restart the Windows Management Instrumentation service on the target computer.
  • Exchange TrackingLog collection will fail to register if:
    • Exchange message tracking is not enabled. See Exchange Message Tracking Log Configuration.
    • The Exchange Server is monitored by its IP address rather than its name. If this is the case, remove the Longitude Exchange application for the IP address of the server and add it for the name of the server instead.
    • The Exchange Tracking Log folder is not shared.


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