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The following Longitude Administration tasks are located in the Admin dropdown menu in the upper right of the Web UI:


Mail Configuration

Mail configuration

Longitude defaults to sending mail using a built in SMTP server. Longitude’s internal SMTP server will use DNS to look up the MX record for the domain of mail recipients, and contact the server specified as the MX server for that domain. Depending on your SMTP security settings, the Longitude SMTP server may not be able to send mail to your domain. If the Longitude SMTP server does not work for your domain, Longitude can be configured to send mail through a specified SMTP server. To specify an SMTP server, click on the Specify a mail server check box, and enter your SMTP server’s name or IP address in the Mail server: field. If you need to specify a username to connect to your SMTP server, enter this information in the Mail server user: field.

The default From Address used for Longitude mail is [email protected] – this may be changed.

Longitude uses the email address provided during installation as the default for all Contact addresses. The Contact addresses are notified when Longitude needs to send out an administrative notification – e.g. if a database maintenance task fails.

The Test mail button will test all the Contact addresses, and can be used to verify that Longitude is able to send mail using either Longitude’s internal SMTP server, or the user specified Mail server, if that has been configured.


User Accounts

List of Longitude users

The Users item in the Admin menu will display a window listing Longitude
Current Users. The initial account created during Longitude installation will be the only account listed on this screen by default. Existing accounts may be edited or deleted in this window, but it is recommended that you do not delete the initial user account.

User accounts may be deleted by clicking on the cancel icon Delete icon or modified by
clicking on the modify icon Modify icon.

Add internal user

Longitude authenticates users internally, independently of Windows, and the default Add a User window will create an internal Longitude account. The Longitude user field is the account name used for login, and the Display name is the name displayed in the upper right of the Web UI.

The Password field for internal Longitude accounts will store the password as an encrypted string within Longitude.

The Optional password hint is available only for internal accounts.

Add AD user

Selecting the Authenticate via Active Directory checkbox will create a Longitude account which will contact Active Directory for authentication. Active Directory authentication requires at least one Domain controller, and the User name to send to the domain controller. Multiple domain controllers may be entered in a comma separated list.

To log in to Longitude using Active Directory authentication, provide the Longitude user name, and the password for the account listed as the Active Directory User name. The Longitude user can be configured to match the Active Directory User name but it is not required that they match.


Read Only User

Longitude user accounts may be configured with Read Only access by checking the Read only user box in the Add a User or Modify User applets. To configure Groups or Dashboards for Read Only Users, an Admin user will need to create the Group or Dashboard under an Admin account and then copy it to the Read Only User account. Please note that copying Dashboards or Groups will completely overwrite any existing configuration.

Modify user


Component Status

The Component Status window displays the state for the 5 Longitude component services, and the state for the Statistics Server component on any Remote Agents the Management Console is using for collections. The Longitude Components are:

  • Statistics Server
    The Statistics Server corresponds to the Heroix Longitude Statistics Server Service. It is installed on the Management Console and Remote Agents. This service connects to monitored computers and collects data from them – the permissions used for the collections are the permissions for ther Statistics Server service account. This service listens for
    Management Console requests on port 7220.

  • Consolidator
    The Consolidator corresponds to the Heroix Longitude Consolidator Service, and is installed only on the Management Console. This service uses the Local System account and is primarily used for connections to the Longitude database. If a Remote Agent is used, the Consolidator service configures and retrieves data from the Remote Agent.

  • Rule Engine
    This Rule Engine corresponds to the Heroix Longitude Engine Service, uses the Local System account, and is installed only on the Management Console. This service checks the data written to the database for problem conditions based on Application rules. If problems are found, the Rule Engine will create Application Events, and will run any actions configured for Application Events.

  • Web UI
    The Web UI corresponds to the Heroix Longitude Web UI Service, is installed only on the Management Console, uses the Local System account, and runs the Longitude Web UI. This component runs the Web UI on port 7228, or 7238 for HTTPS, and also runs scheduled reports.

  • Upgrade Manager
    The Upgrade Manager corresponds to the Heroix Longitude Upgrade Manager Service, uses the Local System account, and runs on both the Management Console and Remote Agents. The Management Console contacts the Upgrade Manager on a remote agent over port 7229. The upgrade manager checks the Heroix Longitude upgrade URL for new Longitude versions, and can automatically download upgrade patches. The Upgrade Manager also checks the status of other Longitude components, and will email the Contact Address for a component that is not running.



Contact Heroix Support before upgrading.

The Upgrade item in the Admin menu displays the Upgrade Manager Information window, listing the upgrade status for both the Management Console and any Remote Agents.

Upgrade configuration

Click on the edit icon Edit Upgrade Settings Icon to update the Upgrade server, Check Any Time or Check for Upgrade Minutes settings for the Longitude Management Console or any Longitude Remote Agents used by the Management Console.

Upgrade options

The Upgrade Manager component will check the specified URL for Longitude upgrades based on the number of minutes specified in the Check for Upgrade Minutes setting, with a default interval of 1440 minutes (1 day). New patches will be downloaded when they are available and the Upgrade Manager Information screen will be updated to indicate that a new version is available along with an option to run the upgrade. If Check Any Time is set to “no” then Longitude will not check for patches between 9am and 5pm.


Data Collection Events and Alerts