Run Live Demo


The Technical Specifications below provide details on metrics collected by the HyperV application, how those metrics are evaluated by Longitude, and the available preconfigured reports. For additional details on the Longitude HyperV application, see the HyperV Application User Guide or contact Heroix Support.


Longitude Events are generated when collected performance and availability metrics are evaluated by Longitude’s rule engine and a potential problem is detected.

The rules use best-practice thresholds, displayed below, which can be customized as needed.


Longitude reports display performance and availability metrics over time. Summary reports display average metrics across multiple devices, while detail reports drill down and present a more granular view of metrics for a selected device.


Metrics Events
Processor ID
% CPU Usage


Host Cpu Busy: CPU Usage Pct > 75%
Summary Summary CPU usage per host
Detail Detailed CPU usage per host
Summary Summary CPU usage per processor
Detail Detailed CPU usage per processor


Metrics Events
Disk ID
Current Disk Queue
Read KB Rate
Write KB Rate


High IO Rate: IORate (KBs) > 2000000
Summary Host Disk I/O across multiple hosts
Detail Host Disk I/O across all disks on a host
Summary Host Disk Queue across multiple hosts
Detail Host Disk Queue across all disks on a host


Disk Storage
Metrics Events
Disk ID
Disk Free Space Pct
Disk Free Space (KB)
Disk Total Space (KB)


Low Free Space: Free space % < 4%
Summary Host Disk Storage Free % across multiple hosts
Detail Host Disk Storage Free % across all disks on a host


Metrics Events
Total Physical Memory
Free Memory (KB)
Average Memory Pressure


Low Free Memory: Memory Free % < 5%
High Memory Pressure: Memory Pressure % > 90%
Summary Host Memory Used % across multiple hosts
Detail Host Memory Used % for specific host
Summary Memory Pressure across multiple hosts
Detail Memory Pressure for a specific host


Metrics Events
Network ID
Received KB Rate
Sent KB Rate
Received Packet Rate
Sent Packets Rate


High Network Usage: Data Rate (KBs) > 4000000
Summary Host Network Data Rates across multiple hosts
Detail Host Network Data Rates for every NIC on the host
Summary Host Network Packets Rates across multiple hosts
Detail Host Network Packets Rates for every NIC on the host


Metrics Events
Virtual Machine
Processor ID
% CPU Usage


VM Cpu Busy: VM CPU Busy % > 75%
Summary VM CPU % for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM CPU % for each VM on a specific host


Metrics Events
Virtual Machine
Disk ID
Queue Length
Normalized Throughput
Read KB Rate
Write KB Rate


VM High IO Rate: VM IO Rate (KBs) > 250000
Summary VM Disk I/O for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM Disk I/O across all VMs for a specific host
Summary VM Disk Queue for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM Disk Queue for each VM disk on a specific host


Metrics Events
Virtual Machine
Total Physical Memory
Used Physical Memory
Current Memory Pressure


Low Free VM Memory: VM Memory free < 5%
High VM Memory Pressure: Memory Pressure % > 90%
Summary VM Memory Usage (%) for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM Memory Usage (%) across for each VM on a specific host
Summary VM Memory Pressure for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM Memory Pressure for each VM on a specific host


Metrics Events
Network ID
Received KB Rate
Sent KB Rate
Received Packet Rate
Sent Packets Rate


VM High Network Usage: VM Data Rate (KBs) > 250000
Summary VM Network Data for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM Network Data for each VM on a specific host
Summary VM Network Packets for each VM across multiple hosts
Detail VM Network Packets for each VM on a specific host


Exchange IBMDirector